Please Welcome TOC's New Writer: Steve Neumann

Please Welcome TOC's New Writer: Steve Neumann

More wonderful news coming from TOC Headquarters.We are bringing aboard a third writer.And I'd like to tell you all a story about this guy.The year was 2009, and I had just recently moved to Los Angeles.I knew maybe a half dozen people out there prior to moving so I was certainly looking to expand my social circle.One of the friends I had out there, someone I met back at MSU who had already been out there a few years, told me about a sports bar in Hollywood called Big Wangs that was where Spartans would congregate for games.It was early spring, so it was basketball season.And since you know what year it was, you know Izzo's squad was about to do some things.Back to this story, there was a basketball game one weekend and I was going to check out this Big Wangs for the first time.I put on a green Spartan t-shirt and drove to Hollywood.I found a parking spot a few blocks away and began walking back toward the bar.About halfway there, I hear some shouting over my shoulder.I turn to look and there is some dude driving with his head out the window, and he is screaming at me "Go green!" as he rolled by.A few minutes later, I am now in the bar, and somebody comes up to me and introduces himself as the man who was just shouting at me from his car.And just like that, a friendship was forged.Years later, we are still friends, and now we are also cowriters at The Only Colors.Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the third member of the team.Here is a short bio he put together for you."Hey!My name is Steve Neumann.I am a Michigan State graduate with a BA in Theatre [Editor's note: notice the fancy British spelling there]. I have been writing in various capacities and mediums for many years.I used to review films and preview Oscar categories for Picktainment.I am the author of the children's book, "The Ball That Stuck Out Its Tongue".I also wrote "Wonderland: The Rock Musical" and "The Ugly Bug Ball", two musicals for kids.I am an avid MSU sports fan, season football ticket holder, and huge MSU hockey fan.And my son is even a Jr. Spartan [fan club for kids].I truly bleed green with the Spartan logo tattooed on my arm!I am hoping to give a unique perspective and an inside look at some less covered items going on in the athletic department.I'm excited to be here and hope you enjoy the reading."Please welcome Steve Neumann.His first article is coming soon.


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